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May 13, 2011

Cooking with Rose

To watch “Cooking with MyRoseBlue,” a video tutorial on how to make vocaloid cookies watch this:

Baking vocaloid cookies might be simpler then you may expect. With a few very easy steps, you too can have homemade vocaloid cookies to share with friends and family.

First, beat 2 eggs

Stir in…
2/3 cup cooking oil
2 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp grated lemon rind (also commonly called lemon zest-it’s just grated lemon peel)

Blend in until mixture thickens…
3/4 cup sugar

Sift together and stir in…
2 cups sifted flour (instead of having to worry about sifting, an easier route is to use bread flour)
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt

The next step is to put the batter into the refrigerator for thirty to sixty minutes.

Drop by teaspoonfuls about two inches apart on ungreased baking sheet. Flatten with greased bottom of glass with some non-stick spray. Bake until a delicate brown. Remove immediately from baking sheet.

Temperature: 400°

Time: Bake 8-10 minutes

To add the vocaloid designs, you can buy icing markers from most grocery stores. Although you can draw vocaloid designs on most cookies, this recipe is nice because it has an extremely flat surface, which makes a good canvas!

This recipe is a 55 year old recipe from the second edition of Betty Crocker’s Cook Book.

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