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Oct 7, 2011

@The Random Blog Surfers

Well, I realize that a lot of my viewers are in all actuality just people who surfed blogs clicking the 'next blog button.' So, this post is for you fine people! Now, you might wonder what is vocaloid and what on earth does it have to do with roses? Vocaloid is a singing synthesizer program and people can be very creative with their songs and creations with the program. A majority of songs are created by fans, but some are also made by professionals. Now you might be wondering the second part of the question, what does vocaloids have to do with roses? Absolutely nothing! My blog is a garden scattered with vocaloid news, videos and tidbits.
If you'd like to know more about vocaloid, the vocaloid wiki is actually very informative. Here's the link:
If you like what you've seen thus far, stay tuned for info, pictures, videos, news and more at the vocaloid news garden!

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